New Morning Routine for Sept. 1918 July 2019 (by admin) |
Information about the new morning routine being trialed in September.
We are making a small change for September in our morning routine. As you will know, parking and traffic congestion in the mornings is a challenge, to say the least and we, as a community school, want to help where we can. As such, at the last Home-School Liaison meeting an idea was put forward and discussed to change the morning routine. This is something we would now like to trial. I will then evaluate the trial through discussions with parents and staff and decide whether it will be a permanent change.
The new system replicates the way we come into school when it is raining. Children and parents can wait on the school yard until 8.45am at which time the school doors will open. The children can then come into class. Parents can take their child to the classroom door where they will be greeted by the class teacher.
We are asking that parents do not go into the classroom but drop the children off at the door. This is to reduce congestion in the classrooms and ensure children can access their early morning activities. If parents would like to speak to staff about the child, other than a quick message, this would also be an ideal opportunity to make an appointment. We ask that detailed conversations are not had during this time as the teachers need to be welcoming all of the children into the classroom. Obviously, as the children enter Key Stage 2 they need to start developing their independence. As such we would ask that, when and where, possible the children are dropped off at the external red doors by parents. It goes without saying, parents can bring their children to the class door if needed.
The bell will still ring at 8.55am to signal the start of the school day. At this time, we ask that all parents make their way out of the building so that we can close all of the doors and start the day’s learning.
This new system gives greater flexibility for dropping off over a longer period of time, rather than all waiting until the bell. As such we hope it helps with the road situation. It will also help the children have a focused start to the day, without having to wait on the yard for other classes to file in. It will still be expected that children are in school for 8.55am with a late mark being recorded after this time. If your child is late after 9am then they will need signing in at the office by a parent.
This trial will start in September and run until October half term, by which time a decision will be communicated to you about whether it is continuing. The way the system works on wet weather days is much better for the flow of people and traffic and leads to a better, calmer start to the school day for all.