Please read - update13 May 2019 (by admin) |
Please read (updated 9.30pm)
Update - 9.30pm
Dear Parents / Carers,
I appreciate everyone’s concerns for the two children who were taken ill today. I cannot comment on their medical treatment, however, the hospital seems happy that this is not a contagious illness and can be viewed as an unfortunate isolated incident.
I understand that the message shared this afternoon caused concern, but we felt we needed to make people aware of the situation until further information was available. I hope this will allow everyone to be reassured that there is nothing unusual going around school.
Mr Wilson
Dear Parents / Carers,
You may have seen or heard, two of our Year 3 pupils had to leave school early today after becoming unwell. I have been reassured that this is an isolated incident and am waiting to hear more from the children’s parents later today.
Both pupils have been taken to hospital as a precaution. I am in touch with both families and will know more later.
If, meanwhile, you have any concerns please feel free to contact me.
Phone: 0114 2486249
Email: headteacher@ridgeway.derbyshire.sch.uk
Whilst we were assured that this was an isolated incident, should you become concerned about your child or your child becomes unwell please seek medical advice.
Many thanks,
Mr I. Wilson