Ridgeway Primary School


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Early Reading is a hugely important and fundamental part of what we teach at Ridgeway, as we consider that reading is the key to accessing all other parts of the curriculum.

We follow Supersonic Phonics Friends which is a fun, engaging  and robust scheme that ensures consistency and the systematic teaching of synthetic phonics. 

Phonics is taught as soon as the children enter EYFS, through to Year 2 and where necessary, beyond.

To accompany the teaching in school, the children are provided with phonetically decodeable books that contain the sounds each child has already been taught and not beyond. The key here is over-reading. We ask you as parents to share those books as often as you can at home to build fluency and confidence in your child's ability to read. We listen to children read their phonetically decodeable books at least once per week in school, too.  Books are changed weekly and progression is underpinned by regular, robust assessment.